What’s the difference between a made to order, made to measure and ready to wear wedding dress?

Hi there. Can you explain the difference between a made to measure wedding dress, couture, made to order and also ready to wear? Thank you!

Question Asked: 29/06/2021

Wedding Date: 9/08/2018

Most Helpful Response

Kerry Armatas

(24) · Melbourne and Surroundings

Posted: 5/07/2021

Custom made a wedding gown is:
The designer dressmaker will take the 
measurements by herself and design 
and made the gown to your specific body 
measurements in the style In the 
colour and in the details off your 
choice that will fit you perfect and 
Make you look and filling stunning on 
your Wedding day as you wearing 
You gown
Made to order a wedding gown is: 
That: you can take your measurements 
By your self or same body else can take the 
Measurements for you and give it to the 
dressmaker to make the gown 
Then she made the gown for you but it my 
not Fit you perfect and it my needs 
same Alterations which my cost 
you extra 
And ready made gowns is :
That you can  go to  a wedding gown 
Store and choose a style you try it on 
And if you like it you can bay it straight 
away and you can take it home with
 you  Or you my needs to organise 
alterations if it needs any 
You remember you will have to choose 
A style of what is there all ready made 

Answered by: 2 Experts

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Lilli Marcs

(13) · Sydney / Australia Wide

Posted: 30/06/2021

Made to measure it's made to fit you body 

made to order is made the closest size to you measurements 

ready to wear is what you see what you get

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