Introducing Supplier Badges

Easy Weddings
Updated on: September 26, 2014

Easy Weddings recently introduced Supplier Badges across the EW network in order to help potential customers quickly and visually assess how active a supplier is.

There are 16 badges in total, each providing brides with information around how popular, active and connected each supplier is.

Achievements include garnering 1, 5+ and 50+ reviews, being featured in our Real Weddings section and adding 24+ photos or video to their profiles.

“Aside from wanting to make it easier for brides to choose the perfect vendors for their big day, we wanted to ensure suppliers had some sort of incentive to ensure their profiles were as appealing and up-to-date as possible,” says Matt Butterworth, Easy Weddings’ CEO.

“And it’s great that suppliers have responded really well,” he adds.

“In fact, some suppliers have taken great pride in acquiring as many badges as they can. They see it as a challenge and they’ve even become a little competitive and are really pushing themselves to ‘unlock’ more badges.”

Suppliers needn’t do anything to have their badges appear on their profiles. Within 24 hours of reaching a milestone, their new badge will be added automatically.

Those badges which haven’t been unlocked will appear greyed out as can be seen in the image below.

EW supplier badges

The Supplier Badges act as a form of certification and have the added benefit of recognising a vendor’s engagement with their customers, but they also give brides confidence in the supplier’s industry experience.

“It’s really encouraging to see suppliers being so pro-active and working hard to update their profiles, but we’re still waiting for our first supplier to complete a full set! There are a handful who are almost there.”

Supplier Badges explained:

RW Featured

RW Featured

Supplier has been featured in the Real Weddings Section

Silver Review Award

Silver Review Award

Supplier has received at least 1 review from a real bride

Gold Reviews Award

Gold Review Award

Supplier has received 5+ reviews from a real bride

Platinum Reviews Award

Platinum Review Award

Supplier has received 50+ reviews from a real bride

5 Star Reviews Award

5 Star Reviews Award

Supplier has received 5+ reviews with an average rating of at least 4.5 stars

We Care

We Care

Supplier has responded to at 3+ reviews on their listing page

EW Forever

EW Forever

Supplier has had an Easy Wedding listing for 3+ years

Fresh Listing

Fresh Listing

Supplier has updated their listing in the last 6 months

Pro Networker

Pro Networker

Supplier is well-connected with 20+ Easy Weddings Suppliers in their Pro Network

Big Gallery

Big Gallery

Supplier has added 24+ photos in their listing gallery

Easy Expert

Easy Expert

Supplier has been featured in the Easy Weddings Blogs section

Motion Award

Motion Award

Supplier has added at least 1 video on their listing page

Brides' Choice Silver

Brides’ Choice Silver

5+ Easy Weddings Brides have favourited this supplier

Brides' Choice Gold

Brides’ Choice Gold

25+ Easy Weddings Brides have favourited this supplier

Brides' Choice Platinum

Brides’ Choice Platinum

100+ Easy Weddings Brides have favourited this supplier

Social Butterfly

Social Butterfly

Supplier has added 2+ social network links to their listing

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